
Trauma Insurance

If you have Trauma Insurance (also known as Critical Illness Cover or Living Insurance) it usually pays some of the life insurance amount, if you are diagnosed with a critical illness, such as heart attack, cancer or stroke.  It can also be provided as a benefit by itself.

Medical science is so advanced now, you are likely to survive one of these events but the impact of suffering a critical condition can be significant. 

  • You are likely to be of work for a time and not be able to earn an income.
  • Your medical expenses are sure to increase.
  • You could well require home help or nursing care.

… and all the while, your normal living expenses carry on … like paying the rent or mortgage, putting food on the table and paying the power and phone bill.

Receiving a lump-sum can be a financial lifesaver and is often used to:

  • repay debt
  • fund medical expenses
  • pay for alterations to the family home
  • holiday

To find out more Contact us or book an appointment with Richard.

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